The Findster is a tool created in Portugal that allows parents to monitor the position of the children and also allows people to have a system that tracks the position of the pets . Thus says David Barroso to TeK , people can have more tranquility in some situations of everyday life .
The project uses a system of GPS location of great precision and also uses a communication system that allows for proper RF link between a range of different actors : the range can vary from a few tens of meters to two kilometers away .
The Findster an ecosystem consists of five elements : there is a connector for those " lost " - the child - there is a connector for the person who watches - the father - and there's the smartphone that connects to the cloud . The other two elements are a portable charger connectors and a base station that can be placed at home or in the office . Mobile modules will have an estimated time of 18 hours battery .
With the help of mobile application the user can, for example, define an area where children can play - alone or with friends - and if the perimeter is exceeded, the user is alerted immediately. The same goes for animals - select the area of your garden and the dog run, to be quickly notified. In the case of dogs and cats tool also be used to record daily physical activity.
According to the project conceived by David Barroso and Paulo Fonseca the Findster will work even better in the future when the system is adopted by thousands of people. Right now there will be a Findster network consisting of multiple users with multiple modules and houses based stations.
What this will allow network will do something similar to what was seen with the design of the bike smart Valour - if a dog is lost and out of range, but pass by a user Findster, the original "guardian" will be alerted on the position of the animal due to communication with the cloud.
The Portuguese project will resort to collaborative funding platform Indiegogo to ask for $ 50,000. The campaign will have two objectives: get money as well as to accelerate the project and move on to the production of equipment, the Findster also want to do a market test. According to a review of David Barroso, if the campaign is successful then it is because there is real interest in the concept of anti-geolocation system losses.
Another objective of Findster is distancing itself from locators by Bluetooth as Tile and locators that use data communications - because this way the product requires a subscription to the service and with only a Findster the initial investment without "tariff" .
The Indiegogo campaign begins next Thursday, May 22, and early-bird version of Findster will cost $ 85, the equivalent of 60 euros. It is estimated that the project begin to reach the hands of supporters in April 2015.