Usable computers or devices have been appointed as the next generation of mobile electronic equipment . However , until now , the technology had not yet been realized because the developed prototypes had poor durability and the amount of energy produced was not enough.
However , a team of South Korean researchers became possible technology. So soon you can charge your phone through body heat. The solution to the development of such technology is found through a glass fiber and a thermoelectric generator manufactured from woven fibers.
The solution was developed in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology University. Basically , the team of scientists has developed a flexible thermoelectric generator that can recharge mobile devices from body heat . The new technology will be suitable for recharging heart monitors , smartglasses batteries, mobile phones and tablets , among many other devices , the researchers suggest .
A thermoelectric generator can convert heat or temperature differences into electrical energy. Using small , but significant , differences in temperature between the skin and air , Korean researchers have managed to create small flexible thermoelectric generator.
" Currently , we are trying to produce prototypes that can provide electricity to medical sensors " , indicates Byung Jin Cho , responsible investor . " After this first test , the objective is to apply the thermoelectric generator smartphones " he says. The device created by Korean researchers is so flexible that it can be shaped in almost a circle and there is no change in device performance regardless of the positioning of curvature.
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