terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Xbox One will support external hard drives and eight concurrent commands

Playstation side arrived information from the motion sensor will also support voice recognition. A few months after the launch, companies are in a " poaching " of users .

The announcement of the new console from Microsoft was at least incomplete. At least judging by the amount of information every day continue to be revealed on the Xbox One With the approaching of any official releases of technology want to lose ground to rival and Microsoft is trying to make a hundred dollars, " extra " price .

Today , September 3 , got to know that the Xbox One will support up to eight commands simultaneously on the same console , while the Playstation 4 will be up by four commands . In Microsoft console controls will be able to be up to nine meters away .

At a time online gameplay and multiplayer modes via the network are becoming increasingly popular technology to physically Redmond tries to gather the maximum players around the same equipment. It is missing the development studios to explore this possibility .

Microsoft also revealed that at the beginning the console will not support external storage drives , functionality that already exists on the Xbox 360 and will be added to the new model . Just do not know is when . The Xbox One has 500GB of internal storage , so players will still have some time until they need the functionality .

The console of the U.S. giant also took to clarify that only consoles Day One Edition , a special edition and it has to be purchased in pre -sales , will have associated a free version of football simulator FIFA 2014. The Xbox One loses so in some cases one of the arguments that have been used to balance the difference of hundred dollars on the rival Playstation 4 .

Side of the equipment it was revealed that Sony's motion sensor Eye Camera , which will be sold separately , will also recognize voice commands like the Kinect .

The Playstation 4 will arrive in Portugal to November 30 , while the Xbox One has no set date . In selected markets console from Microsoft will be available in the same month , it is not yet known the day that will happen .

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